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Blackpool's Jake Daniels comes out as gay

Blackpool's Jake Daniels

Today, Blackpool’s Jake Daniels has become the first openly male gay professional player in English football for 32 years…

We are extremely proud of Jake and have been working with him and his club. He has the complete support of everyone at the PFA.

The PFA represents an incredibly diverse group of players across both the men’s and women’s games. The whole football community must continue to work to make our game an environment where all those involved feel safe and supported, and where they feel comfortable when choosing how to tell their own stories.

Our message to anyone in the game who is thinking about a similar, extremely personal decision is simple - whatever you decide, and however you choose to move forward, we are here for you.

As your footballing family we will give you all the support you need, whenever you need it.

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