The PFA condemns the racist abuse and booing of England players during last nights World Cup qualifier against Hungary.
We will be asking FIFA to investigate the sickening abuse we saw at last night’s game, and we demand they issue the strongest sanctions possible, such as lifetime stadium bans. Global football governing bodies need to demonstrate that these behaviours will never be tolerated in our game. Stopping racist abuse at matches must be at the top of their agenda, and loopholes that allow already-sanctioned racist fans to attend games must be closed.
In every consultation we have had with them, players have overwhelmingly shown they support taking the knee before matches. The incidents at last night’s game are a perfect demonstration of why it is still necessary. As the players’ union, our support for their chosen form of protest remains unequivocal.
Footballers have the right to play the game without being abused. Stadiums are their place of work, and all football stakeholders must work together to protect them from racist discrimination.
The wellbeing of players remains our top priority, and we will continue doing everything we can to support and protect them.
We stand by the England squad with football fans worldwide, united against racism and the discrimination of players representing their country.