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Chris Powell and David Weir stand down as PFA Charity Trustees

Chris Powell and David Weir

Chris Powell and David Weir have stood down as PFA Charity trustees are completing their terms of office. 

Powell, the former Charlton and England international has been a remarkable servant to the PFA over the last 20 years. He was chairman of the management committee from 2005-2010 and has been trustee since 2004. 

Weir, the former Everton, Rangers and Scotland international joined the management committee in 2002 and became a trustee in 2004.

“Chris and David’s contribution to the PFA has been outstanding. Their insight, commitment and support has been invaluable to the charity. We would like to thank them both and wish them the very best of luck as they continue their careers in football.” Brendon Batson OBE, Chairman PFA Charity

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