Brain Health

Former Member Consultations

As the players’ union, we are the voice of professional footballers and must, when necessary, challenge the industry to ensure the wellbeing and interests of players are protected.

As part of ongoing discussions with the Premier League, The FA, EFL and LMA, the PFA is undertaking this consultation to try and establish an industry-wide care fund to support players living with dementia and other neurodegenerative conditions.

Since the publication of the landmark PFA and FA funded FIELD study, which showed that ex-professional Scottish footballers born between 1900 and 1976 had an approximately 3.5x increased risk of having dementia as a cause of death, the PFA has been calling for the entire football family to collaborate on a joint response to the issue.

As part of plans to establish an industry wide care fund for former players, the PFA is seeking to create a comprehensive overview of the number of former players living with neurodegenerative diseases (NDD).

During the consultation, with a view to developing and improving services, we want to obtain a more informed position regarding the needs of former players and their families. We also hope to reach former players or their families who are currently living with a NDD, or have concerns about their loved one, but have not yet accessed support.

pfa notebook