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Dawn Astle, John Mousinho and Rachel Walden To Speak on Concussion Legacy Foundation UK’s CTE Webinar

Dawn Astle, John Mousinho and Rachel Walden

Tonight, PFA Chair, John Mousinho, will join Dawn Astle and Rachel Walden from the Jeff Astle Foundation to discuss concussions and CTE in football on a webinar panel hosted by the Concussion Legacy Foundation UK (CLF).

Specifically aimed at caregivers, the Off the Soccer/Football Pitch: Concussion, CTE and Caring for a Loved One webinar will focus on navigating concussion injuries and looking after a loved one who is experiencing symptoms of concussion and CTE. The event is part of the CLF’s #CTEAwarenessMonth webinar series, where attendees can learn more about the issue of repetitive head trauma in football from CTE experts, families who have been impacted and players leading the way to make the game safer.

The CLF is an international charity founded to support athletes, veterans and others affected by concussions and CTE. The CLF’s main goal is to achieve smarter sports and safer athletes through education and innovation and end CTE through prevention and research. In September 2021, John and PFA CEO, Maheta Molango, pledged to donate their brains as part of a new concussion initiative with CLF UK. John has also encouraged other players to get involved in research so scientists can better learn how to diagnose and treat the disease.

Ahead of his appearance on the panel, John said, “The Concussion Legacy Foundation has previously inspired me to commit my brain to concussion research, so I am looking forward to joining the panel on tonight’s webinar and discussing how we can continue to support caregivers further and bring discussions with current players into dressing rooms. Providing care for players and families who are living with dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases and raising awareness to protect current and future players is an ethos both the Concussion Legacy Foundation and the PFA share.”

CLF UK's Executive Director, Dr Adam White, will host the webinar live on Thursday, 3rd of February at 7:00 p.m.

Anyone interested in attending can register here.

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